Heiratage Studio prototype: Ebony Test Kitchen (2024)
Prototype VR exhibition funded by University of Cambridge Shape Hub, a 12-month programme of the Department of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences supporting its researchers to explore creative industry collaborations and develop digital technology applications and opportunities for their work. This interactive, virtual gallery space onceived and built for Myesha Jameson, a University of Cambrige PhD candidate who is developing ways to preserve African American cultural and design heritage and bring it to mainstream. Worked with Jameson to conceive of a prototype virtual exhibition accessible by the public, using the historic Ebony Test Kitchen as our subject.
Click on W/A/S/D or arrow keys to navigate. Press F to fly! (And press again to plummet to the ground.)
Work in progress - updates as of 14 November 2024
Notes: There are things to see on three sides of the building, and entrances on three sides and from the top. There are videos linked behind many of the images, as indicated by captions. However, the cursor function seems to not be working at the moment, so they can’t be activated. I have set the main video to autoplay so that it starts when you enter the parcel. It gives good context for the exhibition.
Latest draft:
Due to current glitches I can’t upload any new images. So I am going to leave what I have so far for fear of making things worse. Future updates will include a couple more images (café and private office) and text edits.